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New Generation

Premium quality steel shot cartridge, especially designed for clay targets and wing shooting without harming the environment.
Technology for the Environment
BioAmmo, an innovative and environmentally ambitious company based in Spain—has developed the very first, 100% bio-degradable shot shell ammunition! The biopolymers used in this product ensures that the case, wad AND base wad are compostable and will not leave any toxic residues. This leaves cleaner shooting and hunting terrains that we can all continue to enjoy for years to come.
This is why we are super excited to bring to you BioAmmo’s Clay Steel 12G #7 2-3/4” 28gm cartridges!

What has been gained in environmental sustainability has not been lost in accuracy and general shot shell performance. This product has been carefully balanced to ensure that accuracy, patterning, recoil and effectiveness is at the top of its game, so shooters won’t notice the difference!
Product Code: BRS2870
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